Tuesday, September 25, 2007

YAY! My waistline's back!

Thats all, just letting you know, comming into summer and I 'm back in shape! It was nothing a few extra trips to the park couln't fix.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My anal glands are cleansed!

Hi there,
Just letting you know i'm in good health... visited the docs yesterday and apart from making comments to induice an eating disorder AND telling me that ball throwing wasn't helping my joints and should be cut down to 3-4 throws!!!??? ...she also removed in ingrown hair, cleaned out my anal glands (fresh), gave me some cream and shampoo for my allergy and gave me a wormer. Hey Johnno and Lind... do you remember when I took my last heartworm tablet, i forgot? Anyway, Lizzie said she would take me to a pump class. See you round like a bicycle.

Friday, August 17, 2007

My latest flinger...

He is so patient and still AND he's cashed up, I'll never have to worry about putting biscuits on the table again!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Why are we waiting...

Slowly dehydrating, oh why are we wai...ai...ting for johno;nLinda to post... us an email....
di di dee doo di da da...

Friday, August 10, 2007